Just Keep Going

“Make No Mistake, That Body Bag’s for You” ~ PunkRockRacing.com Ok, that may be a bit of a severe start to my Monday blog.  But if there is one thing that I discovered this weekend, it is that my journey is going to be about giving it my all both physically AND mentally. On Saturday, […]

Thai Green Curry (made easy)

A few months ago on Twitter, Astrid commented that someone had said that it was easier to use store bought green curry paste for a home cooked curry than to make your own.  We both agreed that we completely disagree with this comment.  Making your own green curry paste is not hard.  In fact, it […]

Reflections: Love

(I would like to thank Mish at Eating Journey for inspiring me to think about love – she is publishing the extracts of many bloggers Self Love posts during the month of February on her blog – check it out.)I love…First light in the morningBreathing fresh airThe sound of waves crashing on the shore,Beach sand […]

The Best Thing…

“The best thing that has happened to me is realizing that I can do more than I thought I could.“A few weeks ago I quoted Anissa Mayhew in my blog.  Anissa is a blogger, a mother, has a wicked sense of humor, and suffered a stroke at the end of 2009.  She is slowly making […]

A Lot of Vowels: Jalapeno Quinoa

Today’s recipe is once again from Alicia Ambroso, aka Ali the Runner.  I follow Alicia on Twitter, and she is a great source of food inspiration, workout motivation, and old school tunes.  She also writes a great blog which is well worth a read.  And she’s doing a marathon this year for TNT (Leukaemia and […]

A small gesture can mean so much

Today on the way to work I clicked onto a story in the Guardian about Evan Muncie.  Evan is a 28 year old rice seller.  27 days ago he was trapped in the market in Port au Prince following the mega-earthquake that struck Haiti.  And yesterday, he was pulled out ALIVE.27 days.  Trapped.  Alone.  Surviving.A […]

The Dreaded Turbo

The weather was so-so this past weekend.  I should’ve gone for the Serpie newbie group cycle, but didn’t.  I’m starting to feel a bit of pressure.  Pressure to spend more time on the bike, and to spend more time on my runs.  I’m still a bit gun shy with the runs.  I know the focus […]

Let them eat… Bread!  (Part 2)

This is the second Friday of “bread” posts, spurred on by the discussions I’ve had in real life and on Twitter about the joys of home-baked bread.  The first recipe (posted 19 January) was for an “almost no-knead” bread.  This week I am posting my recipe for a traditional (read – knead it yourself or […]


Alone. There are times that I feel low.  It is rare but it happens.  I laugh often and I love life.  But sometimes… Sometimes I feel alone. Everyday when I wake up I think to myself “Life is brilliant.”  I breathe deep and wonder how I can fit into the day all the things I […]