Almost Wordless: Life in London

Yesterday I did another “day off” of social media.  It was perfect timing for me – my “Wordless Wednesday”, so to speak, coincided perfectly with an extremely busy day at work, and visiting family from Australia in the evening.  Putting connectivity down for the day focused my mind, I felt completely in sync with what was going on.  Another affirmation that being purposeful is where it’s at for me…

Where I’m At…

Unusually I have been in London for almost 3 weeks now.  Unlike 2010 where most of my work had me in London so not much business travel, 2011 has been the opposite, with almost constant global travel.  I love travelling, but I’m not going to sugar coat it – it is tiring and it has been tough fitting fitness into my schedule this year.

Ah London.  I love living here.  Sure, I have countryside envy now and then – especially when I want to go ride my bike.  But London…  Everywhere I look, there is something to see, notice, and keep a smile on my face.

Like this…

Spotted on the South Bank…

When I saw this sign, I reflected…


Living in London (and enjoying life here) requires:

a) A good sense of humour (oh the irony of this sign in the British summer!)


b) A stubborn sense of optimism (yes, we will have a summer this year!)


c) Both!

What have you seen recently that has brought a smile to your face?

One response to “Almost Wordless: Life in London”

  1. While waiting for the bust in 95 degree heat, a stranger caught me checking out her running shoes (just her shoes. I swear!).

    We were in a crowd of +250 people on the fast track to long-term self induced medical care. We just smiled at each other, boarded the bus and went on our way. A nice little stranger encounter in the middle of a busy week.

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