What’s New & Good?

It’s been a while since I have posted. So I thought I would do a quick catch up, on what’s new & good in my life. From the healing hipster to health coach training, it has been a busy last three months!


First, how crazy is it that it is already November? Then again, my life since mid-August *has* been rather crazy, so maybe it’s not so surprising that time has flown?!

The big news is that my fractured hipster husband is now the healed hipster (recovered hipster?!) and is walking again! I am super proud of his dedication to recovering – including hours of physio each day – and in my head I saw him going for a walk with me and our dog Felix on my birthday in November. But he exceeded expectations! He went for a few 3km (and one 5km) walk this past weekend. Amazing!


This means that slowly life will be returning to its normal schedule. I got back in the pool to swim with Red Top Swim yesterday – my first Red Top Swim since August! Talk about a painful re-entry. But it was so nice to be swimming again. I am going to sit down for a date with my calendar to figure out a good training plan for the coming months, and am definitely planning on swimming making a strong return to my weekly training!

What else is new & good?

For those of you who subscribe to my newsletter, you will know that I started a course on health coaching with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in March. Well, I have hit the halfway point of the course and continue to learn (especially from my amazing course mates).


If you are at all interested in helping me to practice and develop my skills as a coach, please get in touch! I am happy to do an initial consultation with people, and will be looking to work with a few people (for free, no strings attached) for a period of four months as well, to go through a programme cycle. If you are interested you can email me donna@beatinglimitations.com

Called it synchronicity, call it a quest to learn how to make increasingly delicious food, call it a part of my neverending quest to find balance in life, but I also started a course in macrobiotics in September. I signed up to learn from Simon Brown not only about the food (which I love, and which draws on some of my favourite parts of Japanese home cooking), but also to deepen my understanding of Asian philosophies. And did I mention, the food? I am looking forward to more hands on experiences making some delicious wholesome food. Like this simple, delicious, warming and seasonal apple dessert.


I am posting the recipes that I love over on my Beating Limitations Facebook group, if you are interested in joining – please do!

And as I continue the path of exploring health coaching, I have also taken the decision to continue to deepen and further my education and experiences. Stay tuned for more and exciting news on that subject.

And finally, new & good in the world of paratriathlon

Although I took the decision this  year to take the step back from competitive racing to protect my knees – walking became a priority, and racing was threatening that for me – I am still involved in the world of paratriathlon.

I was elected to serve another term as the Triathlon England London region paratriathlon coordinator, and am working hard on our regional paratriathlon day for coaches and clubs. Set for January 28th I hope this will be a great chance to share learning and experiences so that we can effectively grow and create opportunities for athletes in the London region.

If you are interested in staying informed about all things paratriathlon in London and the UK, let me know. I am setting up a newsletter for my position, and would love to add people to my list.

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