Me and Running…

So… back to square one. Kind of. I started running in 2009, and I knew that it would be an uphill battle for me.  With funny joints (knees that can dislocate), high arched feet, and calf muscle atrophy, you could say that I started running with an inbuilt biomechanical series of challenges.  I had a […]

Strong Like Bull = ?

Tomorrow I head off to Spain for 10 days of training. I have been looking forward to this week for 18 months.  And the day is finally here. It was 2009.  Although on Twitter since 2008, I began to use social media for my triathlon motivation around spring of 2009.  Twitter became a daily reality […]


Patience is a virtue, Virtue is a grace, Grace is a little girl with chocolate on her face! My mother used to say this rhyme to me when I was little.  I think because it is so unlike me! – I have no patience – I am not physically graceful – I am not a […]

Giveaway: Green Vibrance!

As some of you may know, last year I began to work with the Holisticguru (Christine Lynch) to address balance in my life – from nutrition to lifestyle to healthy living choices.  The programme worked through was perfect for me, allowing me time to choose goals, embed them into my life, and to experiment with […]

#FebSkip: Guest Post by Victoria Haigh

At the start of February on Twitter a few of us decided to set a challenge to jump/skip rope each day of the month.  Victoria Haigh, a fitness professional (qualified personal trainer and well as nutritionist and sport massage practitioner) was kind enough to offer to share her views on skipping, and why #FebSkip is […]

What is #fitblog?

So today I *finally* get to participate in #fitblog!  But, wait, you say.  What is #fitblog. On Twitter, by putting a # in front of a word, you can make that word searchable, on a live time basis.  You can type the full term (e.g. #fitblog) into the search button and it will pull up […]

#FebSkip: Thoughts from @mara_mum

So… Have you jumped to it and joined in the skipping and jumping rope? I follow the hashtag #FebSkip on Twitter, and Vic (aka @mara_mum) posted some great thoughts about skipping.  I asked her if I could share these on my blog… So over to Vic: I did 6 x 3min with 1 min recovery. […]

Jump or Skip? February Challenge

As some might know, I have gone back to square one with running, again.  After a conversation with my neurophysiotherapist and coach, I concluded that the only way to get faster was to focus on biomechanics, and specifically improving my ability to push from my calves and glutes. In January I was given a whole […]

Book Review: Women Food and God

About 5 months ago on Twitter I noticed a post from Karen on her visit to the Kripalu Center.  I had read about the Center in Whole Living, and had always wondered what it was like.  So I asked her what she thought. “I didn’t really take in the institute or what it offers”, she […]

The Regimen Giveaway Wrap-up

Isn’t it crazy how one thought can lead to another?  The Regimen giveaway I hosted from the 7th to 17th of January closed last Monday evening.  And when I tried to log in to post my wrap up / retrieve the emails of entrants, I found myself suddenly thinking about how lucky I was to […]