Comfort, Comfortable

Christmas has come and gone.  I don’t know what it is about 2011, but time has passed so quickly.  It only seems like yesterday that we were starting December, and with it the build up to the holidays.  And poof – all the sudden it is over.  Tomorrow is the 31st of December… It seems […]

Rebalancing: A Visit to the Nutritionist

It’s no surprise I am completely out of whack.  A year full of travel, capped off with my last trip which finished about a week ago – in less than a week I found myself in Sydney, Singapore, Beijing and then back to London, complete with a cold and feeling pretty run down.  It was […]

Be Aware: Food, Drink and the run up to Christmas

Yesterday evening I got a tweet from my friend Havva, wondering if I had a recommendation for a diet that would help her to get her nutrition “right”.  This led to a mini-conversation…  And a commitment… One week of logging on MyFitnessPal.  Truthful, honest, shared accountability.  And than after a week we both can take […]